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Whether you need a little or a lot of help, we are here for you. It isn’t always feasible to figure everything out on your own, especially when you’re pregnant. Seeking support early can help lower stress levels and ease your mind during your pregnancy.

We want you to feel prepared and confident as you make decisions and move forward.

Birthright of Memphis offers free and confidential community referrals. We will help you find what you need and offer support along the way.

What to Consider

Consider the following questions as you prepare for parenthood:

  • Am I bringing my baby home to a safe, stable environment?
  • Do I have community support, or am I struggling to find reliable people?
  • Do I have reliable transportation?
  • Do I have the food I need to make nutritious meals? Will my baby have what they need?
  • Do I plan to breastfeed or use formula? (Note: you may need to supplement or use formula as breastfeeding isn’t always successful)
  • Does the baby have a crib, changing table, etc.? (Note: the only things in the crib should be a tightly fitting sheet over a firm, flat mattress)
  • Do I have a job or other reliable source of income?

These questions can feel overwhelming, but facing them early and with a strong support team will increase your chances for success. You do not have to do this alone.

What We Can Do

Our goal is to help you be fully prepared to bring your baby home to a safe, stable environment and to help you have all you need to care for your baby. In addition to the services and resources that we offer, we can help ease your load by connecting you to other organizations in the Memphis community to receive the support you need.

Contact us today to make an appointment and talk about available resources.