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The Birthright of Memphis Baby Steps Program is designed to offer you support, encouragement, and guidance during your pregnancy. Preparing for a baby can often feel overwhelming, but taking things one step at a time can help relieve stress and help you enjoy this special time in your life.

What Can I Expect From This Program?

In the Baby Steps Program, your pregnancy counselor will check in on you monthly to simply say hello and support you during your pregnancy.

Around the beginning of your second trimester, you will be invited to a special breakfast to celebrate this time in your life. We celebrate you with a delicious breakfast, maternity clothes, a photo booth, a special gift, giveaways, and most of all love. This is a great time to make friends with other moms who are near the same place in their pregnancy as you and to take time to simply enjoy life.

Toward the end of your pregnancy, the Baby Steps Classes will begin. These classes are offered over three days, and you will not only learn skills for parenting, but you will have a great time! Our classes cover the following topics:

  • Labor & Delivery
  • Breastfeeding
  • Infant CPR & First Aid
  • Baby Basics
  • Personal Development

On class days, we will serve you lunch and have snacks available. We will have drawings for giveaways and you will receive gifts when you attend class. You will be offered a mentor to answer any questions that you have and offer you personal support. We close out the classes with a graduation and celebrate all that you have accomplished. We love celebrating you!

At the end of the Baby Steps Program, around a month before your due date, we will gift you a special “Baby Bundle” full of items to help you be prepared for the arrival of your baby.

Have Questions?

Contact us today to sign up or learn more!
